Saturday, June 1, 2019

Making your own fermented tea, because Kombutcha is a great source on probiotics!
When I started studying homesteading, These were the second video producers I found. I am still watching and learning from these wonderful people! I have stopped following several sites, because they were making big mistakes, but I have found none here! She is also 100% right on pure, not tap, water, and letting it cool; a SCOBY does NOT like to be cooked! Come to think of it, I dpn't like it too much either, LOL! Here is a how to on fermenting tea, called Kombutcha: I agree with her on this fluoride scare. There is enough History on tea, both fermented and not; that shows real health benefits for me to worry about this. I think they look for ANYTHING they can use to slow healthy diets down. On one hand they tell me that fluoride is dangerous in teas, and on the other hand they tell me that the fluoride they add to the drinking water is perfectly safe...why should I believe them about anything without investigating it first? She is very talented at this. The best way to start is to buy some refrigerated Kombutcha from a health food store, and make your tea (NO TAP WATER!) with sugar, and pour in an ounce of the purchased Kombutcha. The white SCOBY will form in a few days to a week. Taste it, and when it tastes good remove the SCOBY, and bottle and refrigerate the Kombutcha. Other uses for Kombutcha, if it gets too strong: If it is too vinegar tasting, here are other uses for the Kombutcha. I like the salad dressing use. It is always better, if you make it fresh! It doesn't get any fresher than this. :) Using it in salad dressing: Here you still get the benefits of the probiotics. This is a great way to use the excess, and make some custom salad dressing, and it can be used for a marinade for grilling too. I trust these people, they are a great source of information for homesteading use! Konbucha is an acquired taste, so try several different types, until you find one that tastes good to you. I find that black tea with lemonaid is my favorite. I am trying some Oolong tea right now, I will let you know. I figure I like the tea taste, so I might like the kombucha from it. I have seen two tablespoons to one quarter cup of sugar for a quart for the fermentation to work on. I currently use about a third of a cup here. The bottom line is use that tastes best for you. Some people add sugar after a week for a second fermentation to add carbonation to their tea. I am thinking about trying that myself. I got some organic tea in from Kenya that is a LOT stronger that I will try soon too.
Originally posted here:

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