Thursday, June 20, 2019

Here's what you have to know about (vag) smell
## **Unpleasant vagina smell? Here is what you need to know** It is important to know that the vagina smells. It does not have the smell of rose flower, neither does it have the smell of vanilla. It has a distinctive smell that varies from women to women. But don’t freak out, it normal for it to smell. Vagina smell can change from its normal smell to a strong unpleasant odor, that is capable of disturbing a woman's everyday life. While many women may wonder whether it is cool for their vaginas to smell, there are many things to know about vagina smell. The food we eat, personal hygiene, physical activity, infections, and some more physiological processes can cause vagina smell. ### **Why does my vagina smell?** The vagina is home to billions of bacteria. These bacteria are dominated by Lactobacilli, a good bacteria found in most healthy vaginas. Lactobacilli keeps the vagina acidic, and this makes it have a sour aroma. When Lactobacilli cannot protects against overgrowth of the bad kinds of bacteria, a condition known as bacteria vaginosis develops. This gives the vagina an unpleasant fishy odor. Vagina smell can also be caused by sexually transmitted infections, poor hygiene, menstruation, and eating of strong-smelling foods like garlic and onions. Comparatively , vagina smell vary among women. The variation is due to varying menstrual cycles, personal hygiene, physical activity, and many other factors. ### **What should I do when my vagina smell so bad?** While some women my find solace using douches or sprays, products commonly found in local drugstore, that claim to clean the vagina, and to get rid of vagina smell, it is unfortunate that they might ignorantly be doing more harm than good. Douches and sprays can be harmful because they remove the fluids that naturally clean the vagina. Also, douches and sprays can cause irritation on the vagina. Most women would definitely not wish to have irritations on their vaginas. When the vagina produces a strong odor, it is very important to visit a doctor. This will rule out any medical problems or infections. However, if there are no medical problems, here are some tips about the things to do to avoid the unpleasant vagina smell; 1. **_Practice good personal hygiene_**: It is important to maintain good personal hygiene because proper care might just be the sure way to get rid of the strong odor. Always use soap and water to clean the outside of the vagina. Make sure it is rinsed properly and dried with towel. 2. **_Maintain regular exercise_**: Regular exercise keeps the body in good condition. It also makes the fluids in the vagina to rub against its wall, lubricating every part of it, and thus maintaining even discharge of vagina fluids. This will help to reduce the strong smell. 3. **_Avoid tight clothes_**: Wearing tight clothes can make sweat and vagina fluids to become trapped in the underwear and groin region. This will cause the multiplication and growth of some bacteria that may cause unpleasant vagina smell. 4. **_Eat healthy foods_**: The food women eat affect the smell of their vagina. Eating fruits, vegetables, yoghurt can be very beneficial to good vagina smell. Eating strong-smelling foods like onions and garlic can make the vagina develop a bad smell. Thank you steem community.
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