Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Dad Bods: The Sexy Physique of The NWO.



## Hello dear friends. Are you fit? Do you exercise and eat well? Do you have abs or flabs? Do you have a “Dad bod”? According to the Jew err I mean New York post: fat and flabby dad bods are sexier than rock hard abs fit bods, according to a ‘survey’. 😆


[source](https://nypost.com/2019/06/17/dad-bods-are-more-attractive-to-women-than-rock-hard-abs-survey/amp/) # ahh bullshit! ## Oh, excuse my sneeze. I’m allergic to agenda based lies.


## “Officially” 😆 Why, because you said so? ## If that were the case, then it goes against thousands of years of instinct. It goes against natural selection, survival of the fittest, choosing the best mate for sexual reproduction. This is not true though. It’s propaganda. Anyone who is more attracted to unhealthy dad bods than a fit figure is a victim of mind control. ## “people are turning their backs on the traditional Herculean physique” lol no they are not! This is so stupid. I also got to point out the irony of the “dad bod”, most of these are men who are not dads and because of their poor physiques are unlikely able to even have kids. The fertility of men in the west has been on steady decline for the past half a century. ## These chunky blobs of untoned mass are doing themselves a great deal of harm to their health. You don’t have to be a Hercules in order to stay in good shape, without the spare tire.


## Remind me why we should care about what celebrities do? Chris Pratt is a disgusting fat body, case closed.


## See here is some total bullshit. I’m an actual fucking dad and I can tell you, it ain’t easy squeezing in exercise. It’s often I can’t lay on a floor to do crunches without kids jumping on me and disrupting any plans for physical fitness. Yet, I keep at it, finding ways to get some exercise and stretches in. I don’t have a gym membership, I don’t work out 19 times a day (how ridiculous!). ## It’s not all about exercising. It matters what you eat, the portions, how often you eat, and when you eat in the day. I stopped eating when I first wake up in the morning, delaying my breakfast by nearly 5 hours (11 am), I dropped about 15 pounds in a week easily. I eat a diet dominated by organic vegetable, grains, legumes, beans, seeds and fruits. I don’t eat junk food, I don’t eat fatty foods. ## I don’t spend a lot of time sitting either. Sitting for hours at a time is terrible for your health. You should stand and move around often. Watching TV? Do it standing up. Watch it and do the dishes or exercise or whatever keeps you from lounging. This will make a difference to your health and longevity. After you eat don’t just plunk don’t and digest, go do stuff! There’s no reason for a sedentary lifestyle. Yeah sure, you may have a demanding job and feel tired when you get home. However, if you force yourself out of the habit of lounging after a day of hard work, you will find you have more energy within you. This energy will only get better and longer lasting the more you push yourself to endure more. ## Being physically healthy will have enormous benefits to your mental health. Not body acceptance! That’s at best a patch, a piece of duct tape on a breaking damn. Mental health problems are on the rise, so are fat bodies “dad bods”. Accepting, your fat fate is not going to help your mental state, your body is distressed and depression is one of its warning signs to you.


## lol “New body type” it’s not a body type, it’s a level of health and fitness. It’s fat! # FAT! IT IS NOT HEALTHY, IT IS NOT BODY POSITIVITY. IT IS MIND CONTROL, MENTAL ILLNESS! ## They are convincing people that they perfectly fine being fat and out of shape. That is just who you are and it’s wonderful. Shame on those doctors that tell you that you are unhealthy and need to do something about your weight. Boo! Ban those doctors, take away their license to practice medicine. What do they know about our health? Boo! Dad bods are the sexiest!


## Translation: With body positivity propaganda on the rise even more people are suffering from severe mind control. They say they are happy with their unfit and unhealthy lifestyles. Men just want to eat genetically modified slop and game online with their beta male buddies. 23 million sunken chest and puffy gut men in America are of little threat to the new world order!


## FAnTastic! Now let’s take a look at what the health effects of having a doughy fat gut A.K.A. ‘Dad Bod’ are, shall we?






Carrying too much belly fat, which resides around important internal organs, increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke and infertility. Watch Neal Barnard, MD, explain why it's imperative to reduce the amount of visceral fat in the belly. - Neal D. Barnard, MD Psychiatry
Belly fat is the fat that is stored in the omentum deep under the abdominal muscles. This fat can actually replicate itself and increase in size. Belly fat is also easily accessed by the liver which can cause our cholesterol and triglyceride levels to rise. Belly fat or the omentum can also change our insulin levels in the blood stream which causes our blood sugars to rise. This omentum fat is close to your major organs like the liver and also increases the inflammation responses in our body. These are reasons that belly fat is a good predictor of diseases like heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, auto immune diseases and cancer. To avoid the serious complications that can come from belly fat women should aim to have their waist sizes below 32 and a half inches and men should aim for keeping their waist size 35 inches or below. When women get above 37 inches and men above 40 inches they will start to see some of the dangerous health implications. I was a perfect example of this. When my waist measurement was 45 inches I was hypertensive, had high cholesterol and triglyceride levels and was prediabetic. Losing 20 inches of my belly fat has brought by blood pressure, blood sugars and cholesterol and triglyceride levels back to normal without medications. Losing that spare tire has given me so much more energy and decreased my risks for heart attack, stroke and cancers. Losing belly fat is not just about looking better it’s about feeling better and decreasing your risks for the serious complications and health issues caused by belly fat. - Paula Greer Midwifery Nursing
"How we look and feel is a direct correlation to what we put in our body (80%) and what we do with our body (20%) " - Deb Froehlich
As always check with your doctor before beginning a diet and exercise program and remember this simple equation to reduce belly fat: Move more + eat real food - processed food + eat a little less than you burn = Fat Loss. Also be sure to: Include 3 days of cardiovascular type of activity per week (Rhymic, continuous and try to break a sweat for at least 30 min. total time per day) Perform 2 days of strength training per week. Strength training not only expends energy but it helps build more lean tissue (muscle uses more energy than fat), which will also help use up more fuel than you take in to create that calorie deficit. Not to forget about the food part of the equation. Eat a little less or if your eating was way out of control, considerably less than before and be sure your choices include real un-processed food. Follow that simple formula and your belly fat will be vanishing before you know it. - Deb Froehlich , NASM Elite Trainer Fitness
Belly fat in particular is linked with some of the most prevalent and costly medical problems seen in daily practice. Excess belly fat alone is a risk factor for Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, cancer, and early death. In combination with the metabolic syndrome, it further increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. - Marjorie Nolan Cohn on behalf of Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Nutrition & Dietetics
Belly fat increases LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides, spikes blood sugar and insulin resistance, and increases inflammation and blood pressure. Plus, extra belly fat increases the risk of osteoarthritis, prostate cancer, and breast cancer, and ups the odds for dementia by 80%. Dr. Michael Roizen, MD Internal Medicine [source](https://www.sharecare.com/health/belly-fat/health-risks-belly-fat)
## It’s goes on and on. There’s no medial health or fitness expert that says anything to the contrary. Excess belly fat is bad for you and killing you faster. The dad bod puts you on track to a life of depression and medical interventions until you eventually have a heart attack and die 20 years sooner than you would if you had tried to live better. ## Trust me when I say, you feel better living a fit an healthy lifestyle. It’s totally worth the effort! ## Don’t be like this monster https://youtu.be/JQO9WDGfLEU ## Thanks for reading. # Reporting from the BRAVE NEW WORLD, I am...


# Related Reading
## [Weighing in on Weight Discrimination Propaganda Piece](https://steemit.com/news/@venomnymous/weighing-in-on-weight-discrimination-propaganda-piece)
## [Is medical advice really 'fat shaming'?](https://steemit.com/health/@venomnymous/is-medical-advice-really-fat-shaming)
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Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/informationwar/@venomnymous/dad-bods-the-sexy-physique-of-the-nwo

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