Monday, February 10, 2020

The One Step For Overwhelmed Coaches.

The One Step For Overwhelmed Coaches..jpeg

Something that happened to me often as a coach, and definitely happens to a lot of other health and wellness coaches... And it probably happens to you also. The feeling of OVERWHELM. Too much to do, too little time. **Too much to get done while creating a demanding to-do-list.** Nowadays it doesn't take much and it's so easy to take on more than you can actually cope with. Most coaches tend to deal with overwhelm by thinking they will eventually get through it but all that happens is that they become desensitised to the heavy workload and feeling of overwhelm becomes normal. **Eventually it effects their thinking.. then they can't coach effectively or find new clients.** Frustration creeps in their business and personal life. **So, the best way I've found as a coach to deal with overwhelm is to:** 1. Write everything in my head down on a piece of paper. 2. Chunk similar items together. All personal and everything for my coaching business. 3. Prioritise what's most important and eliminate as much of it as you can...use an ongoing system. Keep it simple such as Do Now, Do Later, Delete, Delegate (Outsource), Automate. 4. Take ONE task at a time, and gradually start to get stuff done. 5. Repeat the process until you've got most of the important things done. Aim for momentum by either going for the easier smaller tasks to accumulate wins, gain confidence and that feeling of accomplishment. **What's important moving forwards with is what you decide to commit to in the future.** This exercise is great no matter how efficient or full your to-do-list looks. As a coach, it's so easy to take on too much, especially if we're not outsourcing or automating as much as we can. If we are then overwhelm is rarely an issue as extra time is created, less thinking and less stress. So that we can focus more effectively on our high-value activities that lead to new clients while transforming their lives. Dominik P.S - If you’d like to discover a movement and community that entrepreneurs and business owners are using to achieve high performance, greater well-being and a healthy lifestyle to reach for their best-selves then [join the community here.]( P.P.S - If you'd like to see how I can coach you through life and business challenges, to help you get gain moment to help you achieve your goals faster and easier, [learn more here.](
Originally posted here:

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