Friday, February 14, 2020

News from an isolated territory. China, Huizhou, February 4, 2020.
News from an isolated territory. China, Huizhou, February 4, 2020.

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So many events in recent weeks. But one thing is the same - everything is calm with us. :))) And such a wonderful friendly drawing was sent from Europe to the guys in the local chat. It’s called Get Well, China. Pretty sweet and positive and funny. Some commentators have already written to me that such horrors are happening around me, and I'm all about a quiet life. But who is to blame for the fact that everything is calm with us? Nobody burns hundreds of thousands of corpses in incinerators, there is no hunger, some restaurants are open, there are a lot of products in the supermarket and on the market, and most importantly - there is no panic. No infected among friends, acquaintances, acquaintances. Here is the fresh greens brought in at the supermarket, as an example. Another commentator wrote that my articles are completely incompetent, and I am far from understanding the origin and spread of viruses. Sorry, I'm not a virologist, not a doctor, not a professor, not an academician. I am a simple layman who finds himself in a situation where an epidemic is raging in the country where I am, I live here, and I write about what I see around for my relatives and friends who worry about us. And all the rules of finding what to do, what not to do, how to behave - all this has long been done in China and conveyed to everyone. February 2 was a big conference at which measures were formally developed for: students, for medical workers. institutions, for customs workers, for store workers, for police, for kindergartens, schools and universities, for the elderly, etc. A lot, long, for each category, but, most importantly - in fact, and affordable. Thus, while I am here in China, I know how to behave and every day I see how others around me behave where my friends and acquaintances live in other cities of China. It helps to see with my own eyes and the eyes of people whom I know and trust in what is happening in China, to see how many people have already recovered, to see how many people around me are infected, and to tell those who read my magazine and want to know what is going on around me. For those who want to know about the virus - this is not for me, these are professors and academicians, listen, they studied for it, this is their work, they receive money for these speeches. And I'm just writing. :))) As for what is happening with the closure of flights and the isolation of China by other countries. Well, how else to stop the flow of new infected? But how to stop this flow inside the country? It doesn’t matter that we know that we don’t know, it doesn’t matter where and how it all came from, one thing is important - how to stop it. People are cured every day, that is, talking about the incurability of the virus is no longer necessary. What is being done in China. As one girl from Beijing wrote, someday these measures will go down in history as unprecedented measures to combat any pandemic. She writes on her FB that all of Beijing is literally sanitized. *Cleanliness, like in a hospital detention center. There were almost no more people, the void again in the subway, there were two of us in the car — I and the attendant with a red bandage on my hand. Before entering, we measured the temperature with a thermal imager. While driving, I watched videos on how to protect myself from the virus, twisted on small TV screens, of which there are ten in each carriage. On the streets, almost ten meters from each other, duty controllers are standing, watching over the order, and people, probably: are they all masked, is there no harm to anyone ... In the office of the organization where I came, the measurement again temperature. But the most interesting thing was that they also attached a thermal imager to the forehead at the entrance to the courtyard of my house. A thought flickered: what if suddenly elevated? In the offseason, acute respiratory infections are a common thing. And then what? Quarantine for two weeks? No, you can’t catch a cold right now. This time it worked out. I entered the elevator, on the wall there is an announcement that the elevator is disinfected today. And so every day! Elevators, stairs, platforms, all public spaces, etc. processed constantly, the smell of disinfectants is sometimes felt in the apartment. Well, what can I say? Someone considers such measures to be excessive, but for me, it’s only admiration. Well, tell me, what other country in the world, even the most advanced, is capable of such self-organization? I think when the infection is defeated, the Chinese experience in combating the viral danger will be the subject of study of the global epidemiological services and may even go into a special section in medical textbooks.* Friends in Shenzhen also say that the elevators are disinfected every day, and drawers are hung in them, which contain napkins that can be taken so as not to press the elevator buttons with a bare finger, but with a napkin, and then thrown away. They blocked all exits from the condo (there can be two or more, plus underground garages), left one for people and one for a car if there is an exit from the basement floors separately. At the exit (exit) and at the entrance, the temperature is measured. Cars record everything, where, where, and whose. Blocked all the exits from the main highway, the son today left the house by car. About the main road where the cordon stands, you can safely leave and go to Shenzhen, for example. A friend flew to Thailand yesterday from our area via Hong Kong. All this in order to understand who lives where, and who came from where. A few days ago, two new infected from our city were added, who arrived from Wuhan 2 weeks ago, and lived here. They left even before quarantine in Wuhan, just on vacation, but turned out to be infected. Almost everyone who fell ill then or now, or from Wuhan, or from the province of Hubei, or from the cities that are nearby. But for those who say now that they describe and consider everyone, let's not criticize, just write, but how would you stop the spread of this kind of epidemic? The program was created in Wi-Chat, now you can determine how many detected infected around you, where, and where they come from. At the moment, the principle is the same: less outside, less crowded places, washing hands, changing masks. A virus without a carrier lasts for several hours and dies. Therefore, also observe cleanliness. Maybe it will help the Chinese to become more accurate at home. Be healthy! --- View this post [on TravelFeed]( for the best experience. [//]:# (!steemitworldmap 23.0904 lat 114.41331 long d3scr)
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