Thursday, February 13, 2020

Ions and how they affect life


Ions - the energetic state of matter. Ions are necessary for life to exist. They facilitate chemical reactions in biological systems that allow for the production of energy which cells need to live and reproduce. Innercellular ion-exchange allows our bodies to process nutrients we eat for growth and healing. But ions also affect living organisms in many other ways. Free ions in the air destroy viruses and bacteria, both airborne and on contact surface areas. This promotes healthy living and controls the spread of disease. Studies have shown that exposing the body and skin to ionic energies has a positive effect on overall health and longevity. Ionic therapy has been used in human culture for thousands of years. Dating as far back as the Egyptian dynasties, Kings, Pharaohs, and Emperors have used ionic therapy as a way to increase their vitality and maintain good health. Plants and fish also benefit from the presence of free ions. Plants exposed to free ions in the air show increased growth and overall plant health, as well as an increase in photosynthesis. Fish benefit in many of the ways that animals do, and free ions in the water help control waterborne bacteria. We have all seen ionizer machines that pump free ions into the air. These machines provide many of the advantages that free ions give us. However, they only generally produce one type of ionic charge. This is because the electrical circuit is designed to only produce one excess charge. To experience the full benefits of ions in the environment, both positive AND negative ions should be present. Ionic Wind machines, also known as “blameless fans”, also generate only one electric charge. However, in this instance, the charge is insulated and therefore induced the opposite charge onto particles in the air. By using both technologies, we can create a supply of both positive and negative free ions in our home or office. Here are some other things you can do to promote the existence of free ions in the air outside: 1) Stop using dryer sheets and fabric softeners. This is by far the number one way humans can help to resupply the earth with free ions. Dryer sheets and Fabric softeners destroy ions, and the clothing’s potential to create them. Normally in your dryer, the heated air and different materials moving across each other generate a large amount of free ions, which are then vented directly into the atmosphere. Benefiting the natural environment around your home. 2) Choice of clothing. By selecting fabrics that are far apart on the electrical potential scale, our movements, such as walking or any kind of activity, produces free ions which are then released into the environment any where we go. 3) wear wooly socks on carpet. This applies, not just to wool, just many types of socks and footwear can generate large electrical charges in our bodies. When we reach our maximum potential to hold this charge, our skin and hair begins producing free ions. We normally don’t feel or even notice this happening, except for the occasional hair standing up, or a shock on a friend or doorknob. But this actually occurs quite often in our daily lives. By increasing our knowledge about how ions are formed, we can help maintain a sustainable ionic footprint. So next time you go to buy dryer sheets, perhaps you should think twice. Instead of destroying those vital ions, you could be promoting a healthy existence. If you have any thoughts or comments, please share them below. If you enjoyed this article and want to see more thought provoking content, don’t forget to upvote and subscribe. Have a great day!
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