Saturday, February 1, 2020

How Much Protein Should You Eat Per Day?

Protein is a powerful nutrient that we need for survival. We cannot live without it! It puts meat on our bones and keeps our locks luscious. It’s also a nutrient that ensures our blood keeps pumping. But including a sufficient amount of protein into our diets is not always easy (especially if you are not a big meat-eater). 

On the other hand, some people indulge in protein and forget about the other nutrients that our bodies also depend on. So, while juicy pieces of steak and beef jerky seem like a diet embraced by many, it’s still very important to maintain a balanced diet.  

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What Is A Good Amount of Protein to Eat In A Day?

Time to put your maths switch on. To establish how much protein a person should eat in a day, you need to consider their body weight, age, overall health, and how often the exercise. There is no “one size fits all” answer. 

Most health professionals, however, will advocate that the average RDA (recommended daily allowance) for protein is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. 

This recommended daily intake of protein is the bare minimum required to prevent a person from falling ill or being susceptible to malnutrition.  

What Will Happen If I Don’t Eat Enough Protein?

Protein consists of amino acids - the building blocks that make it possible for us to live and function like human beings. Because our cells, muscles, and body tissue are made from amino acids, it’s essential to replenish lost amino acids with new ones. If we do not eat enough protein, our bodies will slowly but surely start to fail. 

Did you know?

  • An individual can survive a lifetime without consuming carbohydrates and;
  • 6 months without consuming fat.

BUT a person can only live for a maximum of 70 days without eating food that is rich in protein!

Can A Person Eat Too Much Protein?

We know that too much of one thing can be a bad thing. The same goes for protein. especially when it comes to what we put into our bodies. If you are in perfectly good health, then it’s impossible to overdo it when consuming healthy proteins – emphasis on the word “healthy”. If you are one of those who likes to bulk up using protein shakes, then be wary of the other ingredients in the composition, because they can be dangerous in large excessive quantities. 

If you have weak kidneys, however, or follow a high-protein diet for an extended time, then some studies do indicate that a person could be at risk of kidney damage or kidney disease. Our kidneys function to eliminate extra nitrogen and waste products. If you consume too much protein for many consecutive days, then you may experience the following side-effects:

  • Bad breath
  • Extreme thirst
  • Nausea
  • Weight gain

*  Always ask a professional for advice before starting a new diet plan. 

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What Are the Best Sources of Food to Eat for Protein? 

If you eat meat, then red lean meat, pastured poultry, fish, and dairy products are food sources that include large amounts of healthy protein. 

If you are a vegetarian or vegan, then legumes, beans, nuts, and wholegrain foods also include high levels of protein. 

If you are an extremely active person who exercises regularly, then you may want to increase your protein intake so that your body to reach peak performance. Instead of downing sugar-laden protein shakes to help you increase your intake, perhaps opt for preservative-free and GMO-free protein powder (you even get vegan protein powder) products. 

REMEMBER: You should always consult with a doctor or a dietician before making any extreme changes to your diet.


  1. The listed advantages of protein. 
  2. How much protein is bad for you?
Much love - @sweetpea

Originally posted here:

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