Wednesday, February 12, 2020

A Wild Camel Pose


I know what you're thinking... Why is that giant man on the ground while he is out cutting firewood. Well, the simple answer is camel pose. Ustrasana. I was hard at work, the sun was shining, and I was getting pretty tired. So I thought it would be a great time to take a minute and have a nice stretch. I started learning about yoga many years ago while I was trying to complete the P90X program. That was a bit different from the yoga that I practice now. It was an hour and a half of butt kicking, no nonsense, sweat dripping yoga. Now days my focus is long and lean. It is about power and position. I do so many incredible things in my life, and dog gone it many of them make me sore. I find myself doing very physical things, but I love it. I have no problem being the big guy, and doing the big things. The most important thing I've learned though is self care. I can keep doing the big things, but I need to take care of my body at all cost. I used to think twice when I would start stretching in public, especially if I am working in a big group. I quickly learned that I was able to keep going and I wasn't sore, unlike the others. Eventually I stopped worrying what others might think, and just started doing what I thought needed to be done. That's what I did today. My chainsaw's name is Charlotte. I used to be able to run her for hours without even feeling it. Unfortunately, I haven't ran her much in about two years. That is some simple math haha, it started kicking my butt today. I could feel that I was starting to get tired and needed the stretch, so I turned to some simple forward folds and this amazing camel pose. Camel Pose, or Ustrasana, has so many benefits to it. Let me drop a reference.. >Ustrasana stretches the front of the body, particularly the chest, abdomen, quadriceps, and hip flexors. It improves spinal flexibility, while also strengthening the back muscles and improving posture. ... Ustrasana also stimulates the kidneys, which improves digestion. [source]( To be able to work hard, rest, and keep working hard makes me very happy. Life is short and I want to be able to function for as long as I can. In my life I have seen so many family members and their friends just break down. Eventually they got to the point that they couldn't come back from. That's what I am trying to avoid. I have a theory about the secret to a long healthy life is the ability to bend backward. I suppose only time will tell! Until then I will keep on keepin' on.


Be well ~The Yeti Join me on Discord

Originally posted here:

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