Monday, February 17, 2020

6 Proven Ways to Live a Stress-Free Life Stress is inherently becoming part of our daily lives. We wake up early every morning, work for long hours, and stay up all night on social media and watch tv. This has become the lifestyle of so many people around the world. We barely make time for our health and wellbeing. According to AllOne Health’s blog post on holiday stress, 69 percent of people, due to lack of time and money, are stressed. According to reports, college students are stressed by their academic work. Stress can be detrimental to our health and wellbeing. Too much stress can lead to cases of high blood pressure, diabetes, anxiety udand, even depression. I could get into so many facts and health conditions related to stress, but that is not what this article about. So in this article, I’ve put together some of the proven activities and exercises you can perform to release stress, help you relax, and, overall, make you feel better.

Engage in Physical Exercise

You may feel more at ease when you work out. This can help relieve stress and help you feel better. It would be best if you considered joining a gym in your neighborhood or set up a home or garage gym. If going to the gym is not your thing, you can do cardio exercises such as jogging, bicycling in your neighborhood, and swimming. Yoga is another great way to boost your overall wellness and is a great way to release stress.

Breathing exercise

Breathing exercise is one of the best ways of releasing stress, in my opinion. Why? Because it can be done at any time and anywhere. Breathing in and out sends a message to your brain to relax and calm down. Focusing on your breath and gently breathing in and out takes your brain away from all your worries and anxieties, making you much more relaxed. To make this a habit, start-off your day with a five minutes deep breathing session, just focusing on your breath and taking deep breaths through your nose. You can do the same before lunchtime and when you are about to sleep.

Find a hobby

Maybe you are a workaholic, or perhaps a nursing mother who is always stressed about her kids. Whatever your situation may be, it’s time to find a new activity that you enjoy and then make time for it. Take guitar or piano lessons, join a reading club, take a course in cooking, learn knitting, go rock climbing on weekends, or even scuba diving. These are just a few. There are hundreds of thrilling activities you can engage in. Here is a huge list of hobbies for your convenience. Find something you are interested in and start doing it.

Talk to someone

What is the cause of your stress? Is it your job? Is it finances? If it is something you can’t handle on your own, that’s perfectly okay. Find a friend or a close relative and talk to them about it. Chances are you are thinking negatively and over-analyzing your situation. It’s a good idea to spend time with friends and family as much as you can. Have meaningful and fun conversations, play games, or go out with them. They help keep your mind off your problems if they are not the cause.

Reminisce about your good times

This is not a common one, but taking a moment to think about your fun life adventures and good memories is an excellent way to release stress. Relive those good times by reflecting on those glorious events that happened in the past. It’s a great way to remind yourself that hey, life isn’t that bad after all. Basically, you want to replace those negative thoughts with positive thoughts and feelings that you already have in your memory bank.

Get enough sleep

If you genuinely want to have a healthy and stress-free life, you should treat your sleep with the utmost importance. Research has shown that adults require a minimum of 7 hours of sleep a night to function properly. Cut back on the time you spend watching TV, on Facebook or Instagram, and avoid the unnecessary phone calls you make late into the night. Make enough time for your body to rest, and your stress problems will be half solved.


If you put some (or all) of these activities into practice, you are saying goodbye to stress and on your way to better mental health and physical wellbeing. Keep in mind that it is always a good idea to take a break from stressful situations. The best way to release stress is to take a breather and clear your mind. Work your way out of your stress and find a way to become a happier person.
Originally posted here:

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