Saturday, February 29, 2020

Dried fruits
Dried fruits are healthy anytime, anyday.

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FULL DAY OF EATING WITH HEALTHY SMOOTHIE RECIPE, COMPARING OURSELVES & FINDING YOUR ENNEAGRAM NUMBER Hi #YamFam! Back with a bunch of updates and another Full Day of Eating! OPEN ME FOR MORE⇩⇩ ♡ Shop the New Levavi Essentials Collection: ♡ TRY MY FITNESS APP FOR FREE: ♡ INSTAGRAM: *Discount Codes* ♡ Discount Code: YAMI15 ♡ Discount LINK: ♡ : Use Code "YAMI" ————————————————————————— Amazon Favorites: Cameras I use: Lumix G7: Canon G7x: —————————————————————————— Thank you guys so much for supporting me, this channel and for always encouraging me to becoming the best version of myself and making my dreams come true! I love you! ♡
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Colorful Diet
### Rule number one. Meals should be as colourful as they can


Rule number two. Don’t restrain from food, with the exception of C.R.A.P. (Carbonated drinks, Refined sugar, Artificial and Processed food). Restrain from calories and keep an eye on meal timing. Key is in variety and diversity, not in restrictions. To be more specific, other things to keep an eye on if you are following diet are hormonal balance or homeostasis, calorie intake/expand and sleep. More colour = more nutrients; and we all need them either if we are regular person losing fat, bulking, casually active or athlete. Same goes for fruits, nuts…everything that you eat. Anyone claiming different is either trying to sell something or has something to sell. That is the whole point of diet, unless it is specific medical condition. Most of the recent problems arise when modern human, healthy one, started applying medically designed diets and researches into healthy homeostasis thus causing disbalance. #health #Colourfuldiet #food #nutrients #diet #calories #aid #personaltraining #coaching #training #fitness #exercise #activity #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #sleep #nutrition #lifestyle #aidpersonaltraining
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One small sentence of gratitude to my wife Martina for all of Her support and inspiration! You can check some of her work [HERE](


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Yet another lie from drumpf?
I am continually being amazed at the mis-information concerning the latest “Corona Virus” and all the damage it can do. IF you were to compare the “Covid-19” virus to the simple “Rhinovirus”, unless you are a virologist, you would have a hard time telling the difference. When I see things coming from our Government, like drumpf firing the heads of the department (who are specialists in virology) that would be finding ways of controlling the Corona Virus and putting Mike Pence (who was against the needle exchange program in his own state) who is a “Know NOTHING economist. I have seen nothing about how to limit the exposure to the Virus or to avoid it in the first place. How about the old adage of “Wash your hands often with soap and plenty of clean water”, or perhaps “washing your hands and wiping the door knobs after a visit from someone with sniffles” kind of advice. Most important is to remember that a “VIRUS” is not a “BACTERIA” and the anti-bacterial soap just won’t work. Then you hear about “Donald Trump Jr.” saying really STUPID stuff like “The Democrats want millions to die from the Corona Virus”. When you hear people say “We don’t know how this is spreading” when this Country just evacuated 27 people from a quarantined Cruise Ship in Japan. And they don’t know HOW it is spread? How STUPID can the media be? How STUPID does the Big Pharma think we are? Big Pharma is trying to market a NON- functioning check for the “Covid-19 virus” and make another Billion bucks from us. DO NOT let the big Pharma companies make money from our illnesses ANY LONGER! Take Care of YOURSELF and don’t rely on a person who makes money from you being sick to keep you healthy! Wash your hands with PLAIN soap and plenty of CLEAR water, wash your door knobs whenever anyone else uses them. At the first sign of “sniffles” give plenty of “REAL” vitamin C, not the chemical “Abscorbic Acid” as it is NOT the same thing. Learn how to take care of ourselves like our grandparents did without 10 doctors and a shot for everything. Our Immune systems have been weakened by taking all of the medications our governments require. TAKE charge of your life and your kids life and get healthy! Mitch, out © Mitchell 2020-02-29
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The DETOX Series 1: INTRODUCTION Intoxication and Detoxification of the human body

Hello steem people! ....

but mostly, I would like to say Hello to those of you who are interested in (re)gaining the biological health of your own bodies.

And ofc, a BIG Hello to my fav people, @naturalmedicine tribe!

DETOXIFICATION OF THE BODY - It consists of a set of procedures by which the organism, spontaneously or provoked, eliminates the accumulated residual products.

Intoxication is one of the main causes of the appearance of the diseases.

Treating a disease but also maintenaning our biological health depends on detoxification. To live a healthy life, by the way we eat, think, breathe, pray and act, is at least as important as drug treatment in eradicating a disease.

The human body can be either nourished or distroyed, intoxicated (we're talking here about biological and emotional health). In this case it's relavant to realize the importance of detoxification and restoring the internal equilibrum of the body by (1)cleansing our vital organs, the lymphatic fluid and blood; (2)taking anti-parasitic actions, (3)cell regeneration and (4)restoring the acid-basic balance - all these in order to boost our health and feel energized again.

Detoxification is a natural therapy that, if properly conducted, helps the body stay healthy. Improves cell oxygenation, eliminates constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, permeable bowel syndrome, bloating, edema, diminishes the prominent belly, eliminates intestinal worms, solves sexual, hormonal problems, hair and skin problems, it is essential in eliminating the syndrome of permanent, unjustified fatigue.

The disease itself is a way that the body uses to detoxify itself. That said, the body "uses its disease as a valve". If you have bronchitis, for example, expectorating and sputum are means by which the body periodically removes part of the load (from the disease). Therefore, the symptom is a sign of discharge, reflecting the intensity of the load, being essentially the reaction of the body in the fight with the disease.

Elimination of toxins is just as important as the assimilation of nutrients. This is explained by the fact that the accumulation of toxins can lead to disease. For example, if the excretory system does not work optimally due to poisoning, these wastes will be collected and the person will become ill.

The more the body has accumulated more toxins, metabolic waste and even agglomerations (stones, nodules, lymph nodes, tumors), the weaker the organs of elimination (liver, kidneys, intestines, kidneys, lungs, skin) are depleted, and the disease affects deeper levels.

In case of acute diseases, the body usually reacts physiologically (fever, diarrhea, rash, vomiting, etc.), whereas in chronic ones, the reaction is of a metabolic nature, by disturbing the functions of the internal organs. , enzymatic blockages, decreased immunity, etc.

The disease is a consequence of the intoxication. Energy, metabolic and glandular imbalances occur. They disrupt certain functional structures, not only at the level of the physical body, but also of the mental and spiritual body.

In the next few weeks, I'll write about cleansing and detoxification.

I will write about Natural Methods involving separate drainage of organs, one after another. I gathered the right information studying the book of a dr. from Romania, Virginia Faur, called "Detoxification: the Magic of Healing". She explains each type of cleaning for each organ, calling this process "The cleansing", a phenomena extremely important, practical and irreplaceable in the time when you are about to apply an efficient treatement.

All these drains are a pragmatic knowledge of the fact, medically proven, that without a preliminary elimination of toxins from an organism, no treatment has sufficient long-term value and utility.


Many people think that their disease is primarily a problem for the doctor they call. Because that's why there are doctors--> to cure the diseases, right? Well, it's not like this. At all. The toxins reach our bodies through air, water, food, thoughts. And the doctor can't cure all the mess these things do inside us. YOU ARE RESPONSABLE for your own....body!

In nature there are precise, absolutely logical rules, after which life is conducted. They target the physical, the mental and the spiritual. Any accumulation of residual substances disrupts essential functional levels and structures.

We often neglect the laws of nature, the demands of the body, as well as its signs when, by overeating, by abuse of food addiction, we disturb its functionality.The naturalness of life is defined not by the pleasure of taste, but according to the diet imposed by the digestive system itself. It is the elementary level, common sense, related to food. Therefore, I am what I eat and what I do not eat -- > for which I am my first doctor, because, like any mechanism, we depend on fuel.

And he right fuel is healthy food!

The human body is like a car. We have to take care of its components responsibly, else it will break down. Watch your way of eating, nutrition, tongue, eyes. Learn to decipher their message. You will understand the disease process even before it manifests. The outward signs of the disease (symptoms) are warnings of the onset of an imbalance. And you also have to keep in mind that we are not just treating the 'broken' part, that is, a certain organ, but the whole, so that the mechanism works properly.

In the fololowing articles, I will write about Colon cleansing, Liver and Gallblader cleansing, Pancreas,spleen and stomach cleansing, Lymph cleansing, Kidney cleansing, Bladder cleansing, Lungs cleansing, Skin cleansing, Bones and Joints cleansing, Cardiovascular system cleansing, Nervous system cleansing, Teeth, Tongue, Nose, Eyes and Ears cleansing.

Stay tuned if you're interested!

Wishing you all the health,

Miss Deli

If you like my work, comment, upvote and resteem!  Or if you want to stay in touch with me for more delicious healthy recipes and articles on health, HIT the Follow button on my blog!

Proud member of @naturalmedicine Team. 

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How to Keep Your Commercial Pool Clean and Sanitized


Owning a commercial pool comes with the responsibility of regular maintenance. With so many resort-goers using the pool day in and day out, the water soon becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, algae, and other dangers to health and well-being. Without regular maintenance, it won't take long for your pool to start looking like a swamp, with green algae-filled water. Not only does this drive away potential guests but will cause lasting damage to the pool that is costly to restore and replace. That’s why we recommend these five easy tips to not only ensure the comfort and safety of your guests but protect your pools longevity. ### The difference between commercial and residential pool maintenance Before going to the tips, it’s best to discuss about the difference between commercial and residential pool. It may help you get a clear understanding of how you should maintain your commercial pool. * Commercial pools, unlike regular pools, are more frequently used and by a large number of people. Usually, these pools are open over longer periods, compared to residential pools. With their high and continuous traffic, these pools degrade faster and come with the increased risk of contamination. * Commercial pools generally have water heating system, so they’re usable year-round. Usually, this heating system attracts germs, bacteria, and algae. We’re already heading to a future where [proper usage of clean water is crucial](, so wasting this huge amount of water frequently will not be a ethical thing to do. Now that you know the key differences, let’s move on to the tips. ## 1. Check the pH level in the pool water The first step to maintain your pool is to check the water quality at least once or twice a week. Regular checks are a mandatory requirement for all public swimming areas, as mentioned in the [Swimming Pools Regulations]( How frequently you make these checks will depend on your pools operation schedule. Testing the [pH level]( will indicate how basic or acidic your pool water is. The scale goes from 0 to 14 with a pH higher than 7 being basic and pH lower than 7 being acidic. As chlorine is used to disinfect the waters, the pH level must be within the optimal or neutral level which is anywhere between 7.2 – 7.6. When the water of a pool has a high pH figure, this will result in skin irritation, cloudiness and a poor disinfectant. Whereas lower pH can cause damage to the pool liner and mechanical components, as well as irritation to the eyes. There are several external factors through which your resort pool’s pH can be altered, such as pool temperatures, size, the number of swimmers and even heavy rain. That’s why it’s important to check and maintain pH levels regularly. ## 2. Maintain the pool filtration system regularly Your commercial swimming pool’s filtration system is the heart of the operation. Your filter will work not only to keep water circulation flowing but also removes any debris from the water. A well-maintained filtration system will not only keep your pool water sparkling but hygienic and ready for frequent use. Choosing the [right filter]( for your pool will heavily depend on the usage, as well as your existing setup. There are three types of pool filtration systems available, and they are sand filters, cartridge filters, and Diatomaceous Earth filters (DE). For sand filters, the system uses a bed of sand to trap all dirt and debris while the water flows down freely. They are a popular alternative to cartridge tilters as they produce better water quality. A DE filter uses diatomaceous earth which is much finer than sand, resulting in better filtration. However, certain parts of the DE filter are costly to replace. ## 3. Balance the calcium and the alkaline chemicals in your pool We mentioned that the pH levels need to be balanced, but that’s not all. It’s also a requirement to monitor the [alkalinity]( (total sum of alkaline chemicals) and the mineral calcium (calcium hardness) in your pool. Alkalinity can raise the pH if not adjusted correctly and vice versa, resulting in pool surface deterioration. Low calcium, on the other hand, will also aid in surface deterioration where high calcium levels will leave scum on your surfaces. Keeping these levels balanced not only helps maintain the pool surface avoiding costly repairs but will keep guests happy as they’re greeted to clear waters and undamaged surfaces on entering your resort. ## 4. Clean pool tiles and surfaces Your pool water is only as clean as its surfaces. Moulded, stained, and damaged tiles can be a huge turn off for guests. That’s why you need to repair and clean tiles on a regular basis.


For this purpose we’d highly recommend using a [eco-friendly cleaning products]( to reduce the risk of affecting the pH balance of your pool. First, use a stiff, gentle brush in circular motions to remove any scrum or debris from your waterline tiles. Then use natural cleaning solution to dissolve any remaining grime. ## 5. If all else fails, shock your pool Though it might sound strange, heavy use of your pool will result in a murky buildup of bacteria. Sometimes the only way to restore the water to what it once was is a process referred to as [shocking]( Shocking can be done by adding high levels of chlorine to the pool for a short period of time to kill off all germs. Since chlorine is degraded by ultra-violet light from the sun, we’d suggest shocking your pool overnight. This is also because the pool will need to refill with the filtered water over time. ### Closing remarks The secret of a crystal clear resort waters doesn’t come easily. Commercial pools need to be maintained to attract guests and keep everyone happy and healthy. You’ll need to ensure that the water is balanced, the filter is running and clean and that the surfaces are spotless to keep business running as usual. Photo by [Thorsten technoman]( from Pexels Photo by [Engin Akyurt]( from Pexels
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important to maintain a healthy body when tired

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very tired of my body today. I work all day. from morning to night. with a tired body, I can't just leave it like that. I did a number of things to maintain a healthy body to keep the spirit. I know that a tired body causes a lot of lack of fluids in the body. the fluid comes out of sweat or urine. because of that I consume lots of water. other than that I will rest fast tonight. adequate rest will restore fatigue, so that you can be energized again tomorrow. I also made green bean pudding mixed with milk and eggs. I really like green bean pudding. Because it tastes delicious, and has only health benefits. I say many thanks for visiting my blog. if you have some corrections in my post, let me know your opinion and do not hesitate to comment below. I want to share this content with @xpilar, @tonyz, @always1success, @gidlark, @harkar, @r2cornell @streetstyle,@victoria-bella and others
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Friday, February 28, 2020

Easy ways to improve your health


## Train your self-awareness
Self-awareness is the ability to recognize and understand your own mood, emotions and aspirations. By developing it, you increase the chances of mental and physical well-being. For example, try to understand your motivation to play sports. When do you stick to your training schedule, and when not? Why? There are many ways to develop self-awareness: keeping a diary , meditation, the practice of mindfulness, and just self-analysis after some specific activities or in the evening at the end of the day.
## Get a dog
Classes in the gym, Pilates or morning jogging - this is what most often comes to mind when you decide to become physically active. However, instead of sports training, there are many other ways to make regular exercise a part of your daily life. For example, you can park away from the entrance to the supermarket where you came for shopping, or stop using the elevator in the office. But the best thing is to get a dog. If you walk with her at least 30 minutes twice a day, you can increase your activity, while also receiving emotional satisfaction from talking with your pet.
## Eat more different types of plant foods
It is believed that normally we should consume five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. This is about 400 grams. But one must strive not only for quantity, but also for diversity. Megan Rossi, a researcher at the Department of Nutrition, Royal College of London, claims that we must eat 30 different fruits, vegetables and other plant foods in a week. It is its diversity that is responsible for intestinal health. Intestinal bacteria , or microbiomes, are extremely important for the health of the body. Allergies, obesity, inflammatory diseases, Parkinson's disease and even depression are associated with them. A greater variety of plant foods in the diet can be achieved in one simple way: a little tricky when shopping. If the number 30 scares you, set yourself the goal of introducing one new product into the diet every week.
## Smile more often
Everyone once set out to lose a couple of pounds after the holidays. Or he tried to decide how many times a week he would now go to the gym. But we often set such goals spontaneously, and because of this it can be difficult to achieve them. And the inability to do this can even discourage all desire to try. So try to focus on becoming happier first. To become happier, decide on one break, which will make you smile more often. Along with this, determine what makes you unhappy now - and get rid of it. And then you will be ready to seriously take up your health.
## Sleep enough
Trite, but we really should get enough sleep . As a rule, a healthy adult needs 7–9 hours for this. And even a small lack of sleep (for example, reducing its duration to 5 hours) can affect to a range of cognitive functions, including decision-making ability. Do your best to get enough sleep. For example, do not drink coffee before going to bed and go to bed at the same time every day. But most importantly - put off electronic devices, a smartphone and a laptop, a few hours before bedtime. Or at least use a special filter or glasses that block blue light.
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Fitness Myths: Muscle turns into fat if you stop lifting
I've heard a lot of whoppers in the fitness community, but this is the one that I hear very often. People will see a picture of Arnold Schwarzenegger on a beach, looking fat and say "Eureka! I don't want that to happen to me!"


A couple of things here first: * You are not Arnold Schwarzenegger * Arnold is 72 years old * He was involved in some serious "roids" back in his prime, he has admitted to this * Paparazzi jerks intentionally seek out bad photos of celebrities like Arnold I have heard friends of mine, who were barely dedicated to the gym life anyway, use this as an excuse to stop going. Now I realize that they probably didn't want to go anyway and I am not going to try to force anyone to be healthy if they don't want to be. However, their justification for cutting weights out of the life is crock of doo doo.


You often see the reverse in advertisements as well and this always makes me a bit upset. You cant change muscle into fat (or vice versa) any more than you can change a cow into a Volkswagen, they are **totally different things!** So when you see Arnold looking a little less than Conan on the beach his muscle did not "turn into fat" he lost muscle mass over the years because maintaining a Mr Universe body is a full-time job and not one that you can generally maintain while acting and being governor of a state. Also, as you might be able to understand, when you get older, things like this are harder to accomplish.


I would prefer if he would step away from the Speedos though, he's looking great here!
Strength training is one of the most important aspects of a healthy lifestyle and the more muscle you have, the more calories you are going to burn in a day, even if you don't work out. So the next time you hear someone say that they "don't want their muscle to turn into fat and are therefore not going to bulk up..." call them out on their B.S. because that is precisely what this statement is.


I am not a professional trainer nor a dietitian. I am merely recounting what I did in order to lose over 50 lbs and gain muscle mass while still living a fun life and I think it can work for other people as well

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Here are the entrants so far (@riverflows excluded) [It's All About the Bees]( by @trucklife-family [Wax on Wax Off - Are any Waxes Cruelty Free?]( by @riverflows [The Bees - All You Need to Know]( by @cyprianj [To bee Or not To bee]( by @eco-alex** [Vegan Honey Substitue]( by @racentenog** **Although wonderful posts, these posts were ineligible for prizes as they needed to post on www.naturalmedicine which immediately sends an alert to our Discord - it makes it a lot easier for us to spot them! We'll send you a little LOTUS instead in gratitude for your efforts. It's hard to know what my favourite was - I had to say, the thought of @eco-alex in absolute ecstasy eating his neighbours honey made me pretty happy!! ## Still lots of prizes on offer @trucklife-family and @cyprianj both win 5 Steem for their entries. We've got up to 80 steem left to giveaway AND @nateonsteemit is offering another 15 SBD divided amongst three winners! He'll be wrapping up next week's winners post - please get entries in STRICT by midday of the 7th. # Remember any post on honey or bees is accepted and you can answer more than once. # Don't forget it must be posted on our front end for us to get the alert. # You also need to burn 100 LOTUS - contact @nateonsteemit when you've done so.

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Aloe Vera: 6 Healthy Benefits
Aloe plant has been prized as a healing herbal remedy for many years. It nourishes the body from within, providing beneficial nutrients, boosting immune function and it can be used topically to enhance the health and beauty of your face, skin, hair, and more.


Here is why you should start using Aloe Vera plant, the gel, and the juice. Also, learn how to use it in your daily skin and hair regimen. 6 Reasons To Put Aloe Vera Gel On Your Face & Skin Soothe Sunburn Aloe Vera gel can nourish your sunburned skin due to its anti-inflammatory and cooling properties. Also, it is rich in antioxidants and minerals which can help speed healing and it provides a protective layer to the skin which helps retain moisture. Moisturize If you need a moisturizer that won't leave a greasy film on your face, then Aloe Vera is the perfect one for you. It will soften your skin without clogging pores and it can be used as an aftershave treatment as it will both hydrate the skin and help heal razor burn and small nicks. Accelerate Wound Healing Aloe is often used as a treatment for cuts, burns and other wounds. The results from different studies have shown that Aloe Vera may reduce the healing time of first or second-degree burns by almost nine days. Aloe Vera speeds up skin cell reproduction by as much as eight times and penetrates the epidermis four times faster than water. Fight Aging Aloe may have some anti-aging qualities as it is rich in vitamins C and E and beta-carotene. Its ability to lighten blemishes can help take years off your face, as well as its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Reduce Acne and Infection Try Aloe Vera's gentle cleansing and antimicrobial properties if you suffer from acne. The healing gel offers antibacterial, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties which protect the skin from bacteria and other pathogens. Moreover, it contains gibberellins and polysaccharides that stimulate the growth of new cells. Lighten Blemishes Aloe Vera is a great natural treatment for acne scars and stretch marks thanks to its abilities to speeds up skin cell reproduction, fight inflammation and reduce redness. 3 Reasons To Rub Aloe Vera Gel Into Your Hair & Scalp Promote Healthy Hair Growth By increasing the blood circulation to the scalp Aloe Vera may help activate new hair growth. Moreover, it delivers several important vitamins and mineral and contains proteolytic enzymes which repair dead skin cells on the scalp. Prevent Dandruff Aloe Vera helps with dry skin, fungal infections, and irritated oily skin. The gel hydrates and balances oiliness due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Nourish and Condition the Hair and Scalp It softens and conditions the hair and regular use helps restore shine and vitality.
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Everything You Need to Know about Coronavirus

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A respiratory disease caused by a new coronavirus, now called COVID-19, has global health authorities on alert. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United States Government have declared the outbreak of coronavirus a public health emergency and federal authorities are warning people not to travel to China. Since it was first identified in Wuhan, China in December, the virus has spread to many other countries, including the United States, and has made tens of thousands of people sick and killed 1,310 in China. And the number of victims continues to increase. This is all you need to know about the coronavirus. What exactly is coronavirus? Coronaviruses, so named because they are crown-shaped, are a broad family of viruses common in many species of animals. There are also several coronaviruses that can infect people, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Mostly, these strains cause cold-like symptoms, but they can sometimes develop in more complex diseases of the lower respiratory tract, such as pneumonia or bronchitis. Rarely, animal coronaviruses can evolve and spread among humans, as was seen with the Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV). Health officials refer to the virus at the center of this latest outbreak as a new (novel) coronavirus, as it is something they had not seen before. The focus of this latest outbreak is still under investigation. Health experts suspect that the virus originated from an animal source in Wuhan and is now spreading from person-to-person in China and other countries. What are the symptoms? According to the CDC, patients infected with COVID-19 have indicated mild to severe symptoms of fever, cough and respiratory distress that usually begin 2 to 14 days after exposure. Many patients with serious complications from the virus have pneumonia in both lungs; Some have died as a result of the virus. The CDC is asking all people with symptoms and a recent history of travel to China to call their health care provider. The agency also has advised on what to do if you become infected (in English) with COVID-19. How is coronavirus spreading? Health authorities are still trying to better understand how COVID-19 is spreading among humans. But, according to the CDC, when the person-to-person transmission with MERS and SARS occurred, coughing and sneezing breathing droplets were to blame. Should I be worried? For the general population in the United States, the answer at this time is “no.” The risk to people “depends on exposure”, the CDC says. That is, unless you’ve taken care of someone sick with the virus recently, or recently returned from Wuhan, in China, your chances of infection are low. Even so, health officials are taking the situation seriously and are “closely monitoring the outbreak,” especially since the spread of the virus from person-to-person in the United States has been reported. However, these have been cases when there has been close contact with people already infected and not in the community in general. The CDC anticipates more cases in the United States and is working in collaboration with public health entities at the global, state and local levels to address this threat. Are older adults at greater risk? Older adults are being particularly affected by the coronavirus, as the first data show. Most people who have died from the disease are over 50, Bloomberg reported, citing information from the National Health Commission of China. Also, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine that analyzed the first 425 people infected with the virus found the average age of the patients was 59 years. “Obviously, older adults have fewer reservations, so they are at greater risk that any type of infection causes them complications,” said Amesh Adalja, an infectious physician and senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security. This includes other respiratory diseases, such as the flu and pneumonia. Nancy Meissonier, MD, director of the National Center for Respiratory Diseases at the CDC says the agency “is working on everything it can” to ensure that older adults and people with underlying diseases have access to “optimal care” in case of contracting the coronavirus. And regarding how older adults should protect themselves, Adalja indicates that “there is nothing in particular that I would do, apart from the normal sensible protocol of hand hygiene.” How is the virus treated? At this time, there is no specific antiviral treatment for COVID-19; Only the symptoms are relieved. Is there a vaccine against coronavirus? Not yet. Scientists at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and elsewhere are working to create a vaccine against COVID-19 since health authorities in China made public the genetic sequence of the virus. But at least months will probably pass until the vaccine can be available to the public. Why it takes so long? A vaccine has to be tested in clinical trials that take months to determine if it is safe and effective in people, said Anthony Fauci, immunologist and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). If the vaccine proves to be safe and effective in the trials and regulatory processes are streamlined, it still has to be mass produced, which will probably take several more months. Will the flu vaccine protect me? There is no evidence that the flu vaccine or pneumococcal vaccine provides any type of protection against the coronavirus, Meissonier said. However, both will increase your chances of staying healthy during this winter. And it is important to remember that, like COVID-19, the flu could be lethal too. The CDC estimates the flu was responsible for 34,200 deaths in the 2018-19 season USA. What is the best way to protect one? The best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is to avoid exposure. That is why, the CDC recommends avoiding all non-essential trips to China. Travelers arriving in the United States from China can expect intensified health checks when they arrive at the airport. Health authorities also advise taking current measures that can prevent the spread of respiratory viruses. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, rubbing them for at least 20 seconds, and use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap is not available. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth without washing your hands and stay away from other sick people. Additional tips: stay home if you are sick, and often wash and disinfect the objects and surfaces you touch. And the masks? The surgical masks offer some protection, but only when used correctly. Experts recommend a tight N95 respirator, which blocks the droplets of large particles and most small particles that are transmitted through coughs and sneezes, according to the Food and Drug Administration. These masks are available in most pharmacies and home improvement stores. That said, Meissonier indicates that the general public has no need to wear masks in the United States at this time. And depleting supplies now will only make prevention efforts more complicated if the virus begins to spread in communities in the future. What is the United States doing to prepare? Although the risk of contagion of COVID-19 among the general population of the country is low, public health authorities are preparing for the worst. The CDC has issued guidelines for health care providers, and state and local health departments are working to make sure hospitals and clinics have what they need to detect and contain the virus. In the absence of a vaccine or treatment, “social distancing” – avoiding crowds and staying home when you’re sick – is probably one of the main strategies, Meissonier explains. The rise of distance work, tele-school and telemedicine makes this recommendation easier to implement than in previous viral outbreaks. Moreover, these practices allow time to be gained until a vaccine is created. “Currently, given everything that is happening, the risk [of an outbreak in the United States] is really quite low,” says Fauci of the NIAID. “But, at the same time, the possibility of this happening is real.” And the pets? And the shipments? Some people have expressed concern that the virus can spread through pets. While the CDC recommends that people traveling to China avoid animals, both living and dead, the agency says “there is no reason to think that any animal or pet in the United States can be a source of infection for this new coronavirus”. However, it is always a good practice to wash your hands with soap and water after coming in contact with pets. “This protects against several common bacteria such as E. coli and salmonella, which can be transmitted between pets and humans,” says WHO. There is a similar concern about shipments arriving from China. Both the CDC and WHO say there is currently no evidence to prove that the virus can spread in this way. Content Source: Published Date of that Website: February 14, 2020 Writer: Self (Sukanta Parthib)
Originally posted here:



# YES , This is my kitchen this morning. I have bought alt of veggies and fruits to make fresh soup and smoothies for everybody in my family. I heard the news that in the Netherlands we got the first Corona virus victim. So even more nesseccary that we stay healthy and what better way to do this, than making fresh soup and smoothies.



# I used oranges, spinach, mandarine, melon, mango, banana, mint, tomato, apples, ginger and tumeric. # For the soup I used tomatoes, basil and pumpkin. # So the kids are going to breakfast with a great smoothie and i am going to work from home. Happy holidays and stay safe from Corona please. Wash your hands and be careful to sneeze in your elbow and tell your kids the same, educate!


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Originally posted here:

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Hey guys, in times of coronavirus and our getinshapechallenge it's very necessary ...
... to take care on our health. My breakfast today : A mixed health bomb with Vitamin C and Amino-acid - 1 red bell pepper and fish sandwich. 👍👍 Stay healthy, don't panic and take care - Tom



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