Sunday, September 1, 2019

I Seem To Be Impervious To The Effects Of Coffee


I drank some coffee after having my lunch of just boiled cassava but I had some coffee with my breakfast too. That as I had thought would perk me up until late in the afternoon but I was wrong. Right after I had my lunch I felt drowsy already and I just slept it off. So I had a good afternoon siesta which is nice and it would charge my brain up ready for a long night. But lately I wasn't able to go up so late which I can do easily and sleeping qt around three or four in the morning. I couldn't do that anymore so I would just sleep and let my body takes its normal course.


[Source]( But quitting coffee had made my sleep better and I do not wake up now with a racing heart and a bad dream. but bad dreams are okay still as it let me vent my frustrations, fear, and worries which makes the brain healthy. Sleep is so important for me because of the said reasons because I know that by not getting enough sleep or not sleeping for three days straight will make a patient or person crazy. So even when I had a bad insomnia many years ago I still try to at least get 15 minutes of sleep. Those were the most terrible days of my life but now I am dealing with another type which is my bone condition associated for being a long-term or chronic dialysis patient. Anyway I think that I am impervious to coffee which is wonderful considering that what I drank today is considered a strong type which my mother had bought from their province when she visited her sister. I really like the effects of coffee but it weakens the bones so I have to cut my consumption although I have to have some to perk me up so I can work otherwise I might just sleep so often and not get things done.
Originally posted here:

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