Tuesday, September 3, 2019

My Day 033 - Offline Weekend

I feel great at the moment. Just picking up my habits from when I was most productive / most happy in my life, which is like 8 years ago! This weekend I decided to live offline. Well, I still had my phone but I didn't put on the computer. I went out for tennis and walks / bike rides, it was great. I also became very creative, with all kind of ideas to do the rest of the year. I will tell more about that in a later post.

Minimalism etc.

The last years I lived really restricted. I think when I became more and more plant-based. Off course I still eat plant-based, but with the vegan lifestyle I started watching too much YouTube of other vegan, who were also a minimalist and had all kind of rules for their lives. I think I wanted to be to much as them while still being in a normal job. Which isn't easy. So now I decided to not be a minimalist anymore. I want to have a cosy house and not an empty house. I will just buy my books at book markets and plants etc. Just make my home really my home and not a cold place. In food I also felt the best when I did some nice cooking (with oil) and don't restrict myself to have a sober meal of just plain dr. Greger Daily Dozen foods. Life is for the living and not for restriction. Off course, I will restrict myself not to eat / drink too much. But I just want to be happy again and I see that this lifestyle I'm now following is making me happy. I also want to make a course about living a happy life without restrictions while still being good for the animals (this was one of the creative ideas I had when I was offline this weekend).

Daily Goals

Another thing that went away the past great days was my neck pain. Which was just a form of stress or unhappiness. I made some adjustments in my daily goals.. I deleted a minimalist lifestyle. Also I deleted no alcohol, since it's not a daily goal. I still track my expenses and rate my days. Coffee is a thing I want to restrict myself on, since it really has a bad influence on my stomach. So 1 coffee a day...
Goals M T W T F S S
Healthy Eating V - - - - - -
Exercise V - - - - - -
Deep Work (min 3 hours) V - - - - - -
Reading V - - - - - -
No Netflix/TV before 8 PM V - - - - - -
Fun Goals (writing etc.) V - - - - - -
Morning Start V - - - - - -
Get Outside V - - - - - -
1 Coffee max X - - - - - -
Rating 9 - - - - - -
Expenses 0 - - - - - -

Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/blog/@healthminimalist/my-day-033-offline-weekend

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