Sunday, September 1, 2019

A Photo-Love-Story: Making of Coneflower-Echinacea, your DIY remedy for colds


This beauty is the root of the [Echinacea Purpurea]( from the family of Coneflowers. It's quite a common plant in gardens, and it has incredible powers which are easy to extract. *** In autumn you collect the roots and clean them:


*** Then cut them, maybe squeeze 'em a bit, put them in a glass and cover them with 70 -90% Alcohol (make sure that none of the roots are sticking out of the alcohol!):


*** Leave them in a spot where you have sun for half of the day. Shake daily. After 4 weeks you pour everything through a tee- or coffee-filter and your Echinacea is ready! *** **Dosage:** If you feel a cold coming take 20 drops initially, then 10 drops every 3-5 hours. If taking it for a longer period of time (e.g. for blood cleansing) you should check the correct dosage. If you take them against a cold only, for a few days, there is nothing to worry about. If you are not a hypochonder, the roots from one plant should produce enough for a year. **Obviously the Echinacea from in front of the door is much more efficient than the one you can buy in the pharmacy.** *** And here are some pictures of this beautiful plant:



Stay healthy! *** Don't be disappointed that I'm doing a post which is not purely photography; that picture of the root makes for a great portrait!

Originally posted here:

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